All ProgrammeaLOSTaSOULS # 11
Performance by Steffie Van Cauter in a lyrical ‘language’ with drawn and sung fractions. A snoes of mixed can disintegrated into loud and silent pearls, snowflakes,…
Multimedia fun performance by Michiel De Jaeger with Japanese visuals on European living mediums (dancers, singers, doubles,…)
Antwerp trio, producing sounds to which the code words passion, intensity and tristesse best fit. Noisy guitars over inventive spastic rhythms, larded with poppy close harmony vocals. Shellac, Dinosaur Jr, Sonic Youth, Trans Am etc..are just some of the three members’ many sources of inspiration, which incidentally can also be found on Daau, traktor, Dsr-lines, Tram
Dutch band Sennen’s strictly instrumental music, because of its soundscapes, which culminate in overwhelming climaxes, is reminiscent of Mogwai, Godspeed and shoegaze bands such as Slowdive; but that’s not counting their secret ingredient: the love for the rarefied and melancholic wave of the
Walking pop encyclopaedia, notorious cut-up producer and label boss of London’s Amateur Athletics label (see also: Dardadrome) Polle from the Gash (aka Paul Southgate aka JK Rolex), slices up Sabbath, cleaves to Zeppelin and disguises Roxy into a dream of decay and rebirth.
the ardennes offensive with:
Hurrikeen: dj-johnny jazz 7.30pm-8pm
the Juicy Jugs: dj wedding party music 20h35-21h15
Preben: dj-electronics 21h45-22h15
Simon Colon: dj-electro eclectic 23h00-23h45
aLOSTaSOULSsoundsystem: dj-mayhem 00h30-01h15
dneiro: dj-dance class-x 02h00-…
25.06.2005 20:00