Sarah & Charles

An Unbelievable Truth

opening solo exhibition
Sarah & Charles An Unbelievable Truth.

In the internationally traveling solo exhibition, An Unbelievable Truth, Sarah & Charles show work from the past two years. A re-interpretation of images and visual language (in-and-of-itself) found in the duo’s sculptures, prints and cinematic work are discussed and are central to the exhibition, which unfolds over two floors of Netwerk.


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Kasper Andreasen / Virginie Bailly / Katinka Bock / Cathérine Claeyé / Samuel Coisne / Frank Depoorter & Lore Rabaut / Luca Frei / ZimmerFrei / Tina Gillen / Roel Jacobs / Rupert Norfolk / Els Opsomer / Kurt Ryslavy / Sarah & Charles

Sarah & Charles

An Unbelievable Truth