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Opa-locka will be Beautiful (Armand Morin) / Song Mountain Area The Centre Direction (Fanny Zaman) / Low Relief II (Yael Bartana) / The Black Tower (John Smith)

Facades is the film section of the exhibition. The program includes artists’ films that further explore the central theme of the exhibition.

The film+ event is preceded by a short introduction and interview by Dirk Zoete regarding his work. More info

Opa-Locka will be beautiful(Armand Morin)
(English spoken and English subtitles, 21′)
Opa-Locka is a suburb of Miami, founded in 1926 by aviation pioneer and powerful businessman, Glenn Curtiss. He allowed the district to be built according to a utopian-romantic plan. Decades later, the district has become an Afro-American ghetto. The façade of the apparent romantic orientalist architecture, inspired by 1001 Nights, conceals a darker side.

Song Mountain Area The centre direction (Fanny Zaman)
(English spoken and English subtitles, 37′)
This film is a portrait of a sacred mountain in the Chinese district of Dengfeng, in the heart of the Henan province. The region is famous for its traditional martial arts. The foot of the mountain is populated while the surrounding areas make up a mining district. The combination of activities, the coalition of dust and bodies is coincidental and seems only to be a small cog in the Chinese cosmology.

Low Relief II (Yael Bartana)
The film is inspired by bas-relief tableaux that give the impression of being petrified, as if they are part of a facade. In Israel, Yael Bartana documents a civilian demonstration against the construction of the “separation wall”, the official term used by the authorities. The movie depicts how the excessive power of the military apparatus overshadows the population.

The Black Tower (John Smith)
(English spoken, no subtitles, 23′)
In the short film The Black Tower a man suffers from the delusion that a black tower follows him through the streets of London. Cast as an off-screen commentator with a dry and typical British voiceover, he drags the viewer into a world full of discomfort, decay and mysterious death. In The Black Tower, filmmaker John Smith masterfully captures the avant-garde.

€ 5 / 4,25

13.11.2012, 20:00