film / Woolf

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Golven (Waves)

Annette Apon

Annette Apon, Goven, NL, 1982, 16mm, 95’ 

This is a rare screening of the original 16mm film  

The film will be introduced by Eric de Kuyper 

Waves is a film adaptation of the book ‘The Waves’ (1931) by Virginia Woolf. The six main characters in Waves are constantly trying to recover the sense of harmony they knew as small children. Through their thoughts, the intensity of their childhood, the optimism of their youth and the disillusionment as they grow older are described. Their perceptions and emotions move back and forth like waves throughout the narrative. The sketch of the thoughts of these six characters, reflecting their development from child to adult, is a challenge to confront one’s own life.  

Waves, in its form, is not a novelisation in the usual sense. The images are inspired by the form in which the novel was written. In the film narrative, the viewer is taken on a journey of discovery. Through elements of the present, he is slowly led to the historical fiction, as it can only be relived in film. As the story progresses, the carefully constructed fiction proves to no longer hold and disintegrates. The illusion that life, reality, is a continuous story, whose events follow each other logically, disappears. 


Annette Apon (1949, Netherlands) was educated at the Dutch Film Academy. In 1968, she founded the film magazine Skrien with fellow students and in 1974 she was among the founders of the film collective Amsterdams Stadsjournaal. Waves is Apon’s first feature film. Since 1973, she has directed some 40 films, both feature films and documentaries. she has also directed a number of theatre productions.  


Eric de Kuyper (b. 1942, Belgium) graduated from the Brussels film school RITCS in 1966. Between 1965 and 1977, he worked as a producer for the then BRT, where he presented De Andere Film, among other things. De Kuyper directed several films and was also co-screenwriter for several films by Chantal Akerman. 

De Kuyper is considered one of Belgium’s most important film- and dance theorists and essayists. In the 1970s, he studied in Paris, among others with philosopher/semiotician Roland Barthes and with linguist/semiotician Algirdas Greimas. He founded the Department of Film and Performance Arts at the Catholic University of Nijmegen. With the autobiographical Aan zee, he made his debut as a literary author in 1988, followed by a series of rapidly succeeding books mainly based on his childhood in Brussels and his numerous stays with his family in Ostend. 

De Kuyper was deputy director of the Dutch Eye Film Museum until 1992. Numerous articles and essays on film, opera, dance and media (in many Dutch but also French magazines such as Cinémathèque and Trafic) are to his credit. Together with Emile Poppe, he edited the film magazine Versus between 1982 and 1992. 

15.11.2024, 20:00
