Logomotion with Claire Filmon
In a two-part workshop series, we are introduced to Logomotion, an improvised and narrative dance form that combines writing, speaking and movement with a strong relationship to the natural world. Logomotion was developed in 1985 by the American artist and choreographer Simone Forti.
The workshop consists of warm-up exercises for the perception and feeling receptors, through a Taï Chi inspired form of meditation we loosen up and relax our body and mind. Then we relate our movements to the space, others, and the environment.
Inspired by improvisation and the work of Simone Forti, we use movement, writing and speech as instruments in a compositional game to finally create short group compositions in real time.
What do I see, what do I feel, what do I think and how do I associate?
How does my perception influence the way I move and vice versa?
The workshop is led by Claire Filmon and is open to a group up to 14 people, from age 16.
26 and 27 June from 14:30 to 17:00.
€15 for one session
€30 for both sessions
Register via info[at]netwerkaalst.be
26.06.2021 14:30—27.06.2021 17:00