Jumana Manna


Country: Palestine
Duration: 64 minutes
Color: Yes
Sound: 5.1 Surround Sound
Original Format: 2K Video

The film starts at 9 PM, after sunset

Note: The location is not NW but the idyllic community garden of De Warme Meente, Keimolenstraat 5, 9310 Moorsel (Aalst)

The flavors of Palestinian cuisine depend on za’atar (wild oregano) and akoub (a thistle-like plant that tastes like artichoke). The plants grow on rocky terrain, and are traditionally harvested by the people who live in these regions.

Israel has banned wild picking, however. Officially, this is to protect nature, because both plants are becoming less common in the wild. Local Palestinians see the ban as yet another form of harassment, however, and some of them take little notice of the fines, interrogations and court cases. They simply continue the calmly rebellious act of foraging.

Foragers, by the Berlin-based Palestinian filmmaker Jumana Manna, is constructed from fictional scenes alongside documentary and archive footage, to offer a delicate and sometimes poetic look at the political implications of nature conservation. Who gets to decide what’s allowed in the natural environment, and why do they have that right? And what’s going to be the first to die out here, a plant or a cherished tradition?

Kitchen Stories

For this edition, Kitchen Stories will be foraging in the tropical garden of De Warme Meente. We will be taken into the jungle to search for herbs and fruits that are unfamiliar to us, or perhaps just a little familiar. During our walk, we will improvise a snack and a drink, which we will offer to the film enthusiasts. Afterwards, we will gladly share our experiences about the garden and the film.

23.08.2024, 21:00

24.08.2024, 21:00

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